NEAAR Network Operations Report
2018-03-01 - 2018-05-31

NEAAR Network Operations Center

New Connections




New Services




Unscheduled Outages Summary

Incident Number Customer Impact Network Impact Title Outage Type Source of Impact Current State Start Time (UTC) End Time (UTC)

174:166 4 - Low2 - High Outage Resolved - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LONDUnannounced Maintenance Vendor Closed 2018-04-21 00:43:00 2018-04-21 00:51:00
159:166 4 - Low2 - High Brief Outage Resolved - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LONDUnannounced Maintenance Vendor Closed 2018-03-24 12:54:00 2018-03-24 13:01:00
172:166 4 - Low2 - High Outage Resolved - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LONDUnannounced Maintenance Vendor Closed 2018-04-14 00:05:00 2018-04-14 00:12:00
155:166 4 - Low2 - High Brief Outage Resolved - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LONDUnannounced Maintenance Vendor Closed 2018-03-15 06:23:00 2018-03-15 06:24:00
INC0012927 3 - Moderate3 - Moderate Availability - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LONDCircuit - Other Undetermined Closed 2018-04-12 12:57:00
2018-04-16 11:32:00
2018-04-16 12:19:00
2018-04-12 12:58:00
2018-04-16 11:32:00
2018-04-16 12:19:00
160:166 4 - Low2 - High Brief Outage Resolved - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LONDCircuit - Bumped Fiber Vendor Closed 2018-03-27 00:44:00 2018-03-27 00:55:00
152:166 4 - Low2 - High Brief Outage Resolved - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LONDCircuit - Damaged Fiber Undetermined Closed 2018-03-09 15:15:00 2018-03-09 15:17:00
153:166 4 - Low2 - High Brief Outage Resolved - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LONDCircuit - Bumped Fiber Vendor Closed 2018-03-09 18:09:00 2018-03-09 18:17:00
161:166 4 - Low2 - High Stability - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LONDUndetermined Vendor Closed 2018-03-29 10:27:00
2018-03-29 10:37:00
2018-03-29 10:41:00
2018-03-31 01:52:00
2018-03-29 10:28:00
2018-03-29 10:37:00
2018-03-29 10:41:00
2018-03-31 01:52:00

Unscheduled Outages Detail

Ticket No.:174:166
Subject:Outage Resolved - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LOND
Source Of Impact: Vendor
Current State:Closed
Start Time:2018-04-21 00:43:00
End Time:2018-04-21 00:51:00
DescriptionThe above NEAAR backbone circuit is currently available following a brief outage. Circuit vendor Aquacomms reported the outage was due to a planned maintenance. This maintenance is now completed and no further outages are expected.

Ticket No.:159:166
Subject:Brief Outage Resolved - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LOND
Source Of Impact: Vendor
Current State:Closed
Start Time:2018-03-24 12:54:00
End Time:2018-03-24 13:01:00
DescriptionThe above NEAAR backbone circuit was briefly unavailable. Circuit vendor Aquacomms have been contacted and the outage was due to unannounced emergency maintenance. All services have since restored and maintenance has been completed. No further outages are expected.

Ticket No.:172:166
Subject:Outage Resolved - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LOND
Source Of Impact: Vendor
Current State:Closed
Start Time:2018-04-14 00:05:00
End Time:2018-04-14 00:12:00
DescriptionThe above NEAAR backbone circuit is currently available following a brief outage. Circuit vendor Aquacomms reported the outage was due to a planned maintenance.

Ticket No.:155:166
Subject:Brief Outage Resolved - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LOND
Source Of Impact: Vendor
Current State:Closed
Start Time:2018-03-15 06:23:00
End Time:2018-03-15 06:24:00
DescriptionThe above NEAAR backbone circuit is available following a brief outage. Circuit vendor Aquacomms has been contacted and the outage was due to emergency maintenance performed by Crown Castle. All maintenance is now completed, and all services have since restored.

Ticket No.:INC0012927
Subject: Availability - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LOND
Source Of Impact: Undetermined
Current State:Closed
Start Time:2018-04-12 12:57:00
End Time:2018-04-12 12:58:00
DescriptionThe above NEAAR backbone circuit is now available. Circuit vendor Aquacomms has been contacted. The reason for outage is pending.

Ticket No.:160:166
Subject:Brief Outage Resolved - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LOND
Source Of Impact: Vendor
Current State:Closed
Start Time:2018-03-27 00:44:00
End Time:2018-03-27 00:55:00
DescriptionThe above NEAAR backbone circuit is available following a brief outage. Circuit vendor Aquacomms has been contacted and the outage was due too a fiber bump. All services have since restored, and no further outages are expected.

Ticket No.:152:166
Subject:Brief Outage Resolved - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LOND
Source Of Impact: Undetermined
Current State:Closed
Start Time:2018-03-09 15:15:00
End Time:2018-03-09 15:17:00
DescriptionThe above NEAAR backbone circuit is available following a brief outage. Circuit vendor Aquacomms has been contacted and the outage was due to a fiber cut in the New York area. The circuit is on its back up path while repair efforts are made. Updates will be provided as they become available.

Ticket No.:153:166
Subject:Brief Outage Resolved - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LOND
Source Of Impact: Vendor
Current State:Closed
Start Time:2018-03-09 18:09:00
End Time:2018-03-09 18:17:00
DescriptionThe above NEAAR backbone circuit was briefly unavailable. Circuit vendor Aquacomms has been contacted and there was a fiber disturbance in New York. All services have since restored, and no further outages are expected.

Ticket No.:161:166
Subject:Stability - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LOND
Source Of Impact: Vendor
Current State:Closed
Start Time:2018-03-29 10:27:00
End Time:2018-03-29 10:28:00
DescriptionThe above NEAAR backbone circuit is stable. Circuit vendor Aquacomms has been contacted and has investigated. The reason for the outage is undetermined. No further outages are anticipated.

Scheduled Maintenances Summary

Ticket Number Customer Impact Network Impact Title Maintenance Type Source Of Impact Current State Start Time (UTC) End Time (UTC)

163:1664 - Low2 - High Emergency Maintenance Completed - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LOND Circuit Vendor Closed 2018-03-31 01:52:002018-03-31 01:58:00
158:1663 - Moderate2 - High Maintenance Completed - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LOND Circuit Vendor Closed 2018-03-24 03:27:002018-03-24 03:35:00
156:1663 - Moderate2 - High Emergency Maintenance Completed - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LOND Circuit Vendor Closed 2018-03-17 03:46:002018-03-17 03:52:00
168:1663 - Moderate2 - High Emergency Maintenance Completed - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LOND Circuit Vendor Closed 2018-04-06 02:14:002018-04-06 02:23:00

Scheduled Maintenances Detail

Ticket No.:163:166
Subject:Emergency Maintenance Completed - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LOND
Source Of Impact: Vendor
Current State:Closed
Start Time:2018-03-31 01:52:00
End Time:2018-03-31 01:58:00
DescriptionThe above Backbone is now available after Aquacomms engineers performed maintenance to move traffic to its lowest-latency path. This maintenance has been completed.

Ticket No.:158:166
Subject:Maintenance Completed - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LOND
Source Of Impact: Vendor
Current State:Closed
Start Time:2018-03-24 03:27:00
End Time:2018-03-24 03:35:00
DescriptionThe above Backbone is currently available after AquaComms performed maintenance. This maintenance is now completed.

Ticket No.:156:166
Subject:Emergency Maintenance Completed - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LOND
Source Of Impact: Vendor
Current State:Closed
Start Time:2018-03-17 03:46:00
End Time:2018-03-17 03:52:00
DescriptionThe above Backbone is now available after AquaComm performed emergency maintenance. The maintenance has been completed and no further outages are expected.

Ticket No.:168:166
Subject:Emergency Maintenance Completed - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LOND
Source Of Impact: Vendor
Current State:Closed
Start Time:2018-04-06 02:14:00
End Time:2018-04-06 02:23:00
DescriptionThe above backbone is currently available after Aqua Comms performs emergency maintenance. This maintenance is now completed.

Downtime and Availability

NEAAR NodesDown TimeReporting Period Availability52 Week Availability
panel.newy32aoa.neaar.net00 hr 00 min100.00000% 100.00000%
dcp.newy32aoa.neaar.net00 hr 00 min100.00000% 100.00000%
netsage-probe.newy32aoa.neaar.net00 hr 00 min100.00000% 100.00000%
rtr.newy32aoa.neaar.net00 hr 00 min100.00000% 100.00000%
oob.lagos.neaar.net00 hr 00 min100.00000% 100.00000%
perf.newy32aoa.neaar.net00 hr 00 min100.00000% 100.00000%
oob.newy32aoa.neaar.net00 hr 00 min100.00000% 100.00000%

Aggregate NEAAR Core Nodes0 days 0 hr 0 min 100.00000% 100.00000%

NEAAR Backbone CircuitsDown TimeReporting Period Availability52 Week Availability
NEAAR-NEWY32AOA-LOND-100GE-015001 hr 31 min 99.93131% 99.98387%
NEAAR-NEWY32AOA-NEWY32AOA-100GE-0150100 hr 00 min 100.00000% 100.00000%

Aggregate All NEAAR Backbone Circuits0 days 1 hr 31 min 99.96565% 99.99193%

Upcoming Scheduled Maintenances

Ticket No.:CHG0031671
Subject:Maintenance - NEAAR Optical Participant GEANT
Source Of Impact: Customer
Start Time:2018-06-21 17:00:00
End Time:2018-06-21 19:00:00
DescriptionGEANT Engineers will be performing a software upgrade on a core node. Two outages of fifteen minutes are expected, however the entire window is reserved.

Ticket No.:CHG0031672
Subject:Maintenance - NEAAR Optical Participant GEANT
Source Of Impact: Customer
NEAAR 100G to GEANT London (NEAAR-NEWY32AOA-LOND-100GE-01500)
Start Time:2018-06-21 17:00:00
End Time:2018-06-21 19:00:00
DescriptionGEANT Engineers will be performing a software upgrade on a core node. Two outages of fifteen minutes are expected, however the entire window is reserved.

Task Records not Included in this report

Task NumberTask TitleReason not in Report
170:166Emergency Maintenance Completed - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LONDDid not have Actual Start Time set, so there was no actual downtime for the scheduled maintenance and was not included in the report.
CHG0031387Maintenance Completed - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LONDDid not have Actual Start Time set, so there was no actual downtime for the scheduled maintenance and was not included in the report.
No circuits, nodes, or other elements were listed as impacted in the report.
CHG0031415Maintenance Rescinded - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LONDDid not have Actual Start Time set, so there was no actual downtime for the scheduled maintenance and was not included in the report.
164:166Maintenance Completed - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LONDDid not have Actual Start Time set, so there was no actual downtime for the scheduled maintenance and was not included in the report.
167:166Maintenance Completed - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LONDDid not have Actual Start Time set, so there was no actual downtime for the scheduled maintenance and was not included in the report.
CHG0031328Maintenance Completed - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LONDNo circuits, nodes, or other elements were listed as impacted in the report.
CHG0031391Maintenance Completed - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LONDDid not have Actual Start Time set, so there was no actual downtime for the scheduled maintenance and was not included in the report.
No circuits, nodes, or other elements were listed as impacted in the report.
166:166Maintenance Completed - NEAAR Backbone NEWY32AOA-LONDDid not have Actual Start Time set, so there was no actual downtime for the scheduled maintenance and was not included in the report.